Neo4j is a graph relational database. This covers some basic operations you can do with Neo4j

First, install the neo4j package

pip install neo4j

Define your url, username and password

url, username, password = "bolt://localhost:7687", "neo4j", "096aefa1f03c4b91814138f28c49a1ef"
from neo4j import GraphDatabase

Let’s start with a simple function to list databases

def list_databases(url, user, password):
    # Create a driver to connect to the Neo4j instance
    driver = GraphDatabase.driver(url, auth=(user, password))
    db_names = []
    # Connect to the system database, where database management queries are run
    with driver.session(database="system") as session:
        # Cypher query to list all databases
        list_db_query = "SHOW DATABASES"
            # Execute the query to list all databases
            result =
            # Print the list of databases
            print("Available databases:")
            for record in result:
                print(f"- {record['name']}")
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Failed to list databases: {e}")
    return db_names

To create a database we would do

def create_database(uri, user, password, database_name):
    # Create a driver to connect to the Neo4j instance
    driver = GraphDatabase.driver(uri, auth=(user, password))
    # Connect to the system database, as database creation requires admin access
    with driver.session(database="system") as session:
        # Cypher query to create a new database
        create_db_query = f"CREATE DATABASE {database_name}"
            # Execute the query to create the database
            print(f"Database '{database_name}' created successfully.")
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Failed to create database: {e}")