Love it or hate it, it’s necessary. When deploying software its essential to keep track of changes.

When deploying to a git, you have several options.

  1. Create a tag with your stable release
  2. Push/Deploy from a stable commit hash
  3. Keep a branch of that release

When it comes to containers things get a little harder to keep track of. This is where tags come in.

If you were to look at the Docker image for nginx it’d be something like


Here nginx is the image and stable-perl is the tag. Think of tags as a way to keep track of releases.

When we create a Docker image, the tag will default to latest , this also applies when we pull a Docker image without specifying a tag.

If I were to run

docker pull nginx

I would end up with nginx:latest

We can take advantage of this mechanism by passing identifiable information to this tag.

This can be a semantic version, build information etc.


Let’s say you have a package supercoolpackage hosted on a Azure Container Registry with multiple tags for various python versions